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Philippines: Massive price hikes for roses ahead of Valentine's Day


The price of most flowers in Dangwa almost doubled on Monday, four days before Valentine's Day. Local and imported roses and tulips are now up for P80 to P100 per piece from their previous price of around P50 last week. Stargazer is now ranging from P180 to P200, with a P50 hike.

In one of the flower shops, the carnation bouquet was the bestseller due its lower price than the classic roses. A bouquet with 10 pieces of carnation was sold for P800. For those who prefer dried flowers, small roses can be bought for P35 each or three pieces for P100.

Flower shop owner Jimuel said the higher demand from customers and higher costs from their suppliers affected the prices of some flowers.

George, a flower shop owner in Laguna, personally visits Dangwa every Valentine's Day to acquire supplies for his business.

