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Nutrition tips for young plants


Utilizing proper fertility strategies is essential in young plants for establishing strong roots and healthy shoots. Proper plant nutrition begins well before transplant day, monitoring environmental factors including moisture and temperature, fertilizer type, and fertilizer rate. By considering these factors growers can avoid common problems that result in uneven growth, plant stall, and crop loss.

Nutrient uptake can be impacted by a variety of factors including temperature and moisture. Two common factors to monitor are humidity and moisture. Calcium (Ca) critical in cell wall formation is taken up through mass flow which requires transpiration. If the vapor pressure deficit (VPD) is too low which is commonly associated with high humidity, Ca will not be taken up into the new growth and tip abortion can occur. Additionally, plants that lose the apical growing point will often have poor rooting too.

Continually saturated substrates can also result in iron (Fe) deficiency observed as interveinal chlorosis of the new foliage. This problem occurs more frequently after the cuttings are rooted and the plants are over-irrigated. Dialing back the amount of water applied to the plants will help avoid this situation. The application of a complete fertilizer containing chelated iron will also help correct this situation.
